What would you be?

I’ve started reading Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures) by Robert Bevan. It’s about a group of people who play a game which, basically, is Dungeons & Dragons (they call the game C&C in the book… I see what he did there). They have advertised for someone to GM for them so they can all play characters, rather than taking turns in GM’ing themselves. Unfortunately they annoy the GM and he decides to get his own back on them – he sends them into the game. They turn into their various characters (halfling rogue, half orc barbarian etc). I haven’t finished the book, but I imagine it will entail them trying to get back to the real world.

Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures) by Robert Bevan

The book, so far, is well written and fun to read. But that isn’t what this blog is about 😀

I was telling Rach about it and after musing about what her character would be based on her ‘real life stats’ decided she’d be a fighter type. Decent strength, constitution and dexterity, not so good on the intelligence, wisdom & charisma (those are her words – not mine!!)

That got me to thinking about what I’d be. Constitution & strength are OK, dexterity.. well I can be clumsy, but intelligence is pretty good, and I think charisma too. I like to tinker with things, build things and I could see myself as an artificer quite easily 🙂 This isn’t what I’d want to be – but what I’d be based on me as a person.

What would you be?

Book Review: Year of the Dead

A few things before I start the actual review. I think I’ve mentioned before I like to read. A lot. I have a lot of books, so many that I’m not looking forward to my upcoming house move as we will need to pack them all – I believe we’re numbering close to 1000. Up until a few years ago I would only read physical books. I wasn’t interested in digital books. But I bought a tablet, my sister recommended a few books that were free – now I usually have at least one physical book, one book on my phone Kindle, one on my tablet Kindle and an audio book (currently I have two of those on the go). Not to mention the comics I read digitally too.

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From Twitter to Podcasts to Audiobooks

It’s strange, sometimes, how we get from one place to another. And I don’t mean a physical journey.

I joined Twitter back in 2009. Mainly as a resource for development, finding other developers & getting information on the latest technologies. Then I started playing DDO in 2010 and started following people who also played DDO. My twitter stream exploded 😀 But, apart from people, I also started following the #DDO hashtag, looking out for information & using it as a way to connect with other players. That resulted in my finding tweets from @Samius & @Lessah who, at the time, were doing regular DDO Cocktail Hour podcasts.
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Book Review: Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief

A few weeks ago Tobril mentioned he was reading one of the Percy Jackson books. I’d heard of them, mainly from when the first film came out, but never actually read any of the books. With his recommendation I decided to pick up the first of the set for my Kindle and give it a go. I’m going to try not to spoil the story for anybody who hasn’t read it but just in case – skip to the end for a general review 🙂

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